Ok, so what is frequency? Frequency is energy. Energy is everywhere. Every thing on this planet has a frequency. That’s why crystals are so wild and amazing. They are beautiful but they also vibrate at different frequencies that illicit different feelings. Frequency is why you can look at a plant and feel drawn to it and want it in your home. Frequency is why you are so attracted to that person you’ve never met but you really want to be friends. Frequency is why you feel calm in one place and step into another place and immediately feel a sense of anxiety or angst. Frequency is what you feel at the family dinner table. When it’s good the frequency is high and you are comfortable. When its bad, the frequency is low and you want to get the heck out of there. Frequency is everywhere and it is literally everything.
So what does frequency have to do with manifestation?
Manifestation has been such a buzzword over the last few years, but the reality is, people have been manifesting FOREVER. It’s a matter of frequency combined with action.
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