When we talk about having a healthy self-image and what a vital component it is in relation to self-worth, we cannot fail to address self-forgiveness. We are never going to feel worthy if we are carrying shame. We are never going to have a healthy self-image if we are crippled with guilt. We have to learn to let that shit go, or we will carry it consciously and subconsciously for the rest of our lives. For me, that resulted in an autoimmune disease. For some it manifests as physical weight. For some it may present as depression. You get the idea… shame and guilt block our chi… and our chi is our life force. We cannot live fully if our life force is blocked. You dig?
This life is precious and it’s happening right now. The sooner we get to forgiving ourselves, the sooner our lives will transform for the better. This episode is ALL about how to do that.
https://www.thegoldensecrets.com and use code: JACLYN10 for 10% off your order
Byron Katie Books:
Loving What Is: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life
I Need Your Love – Is That True?
Who Would You Be Without Your Story?
A Mind at Home with Itself
“Let it Go” by James Bay
“Follow You” by Ben Rector
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