Dearest Listener,
My name is Jaclyn and this is my heart-centered podcast.
I’ve often thought about what I would say if I were being interviewed about my life. In this scenario, the interviewer asks “what have you been doing all these years?” And my reply? “Refining my character.”
I’ve done many things. I’ve traveled many places. I have a few feathers of accomplishment in my hat, however, I don’t want this podcast to be about me or what I’ve done. I want it to be about us. I want it to be about refining, reclaiming, and becoming the biggest, most badass, lit up versions of ourselves.
And in my time on this beautiful planet, there is little that has been more impactful than the alchemy of self-discovery.
Why? Because Self Discovery has been my way out of the matrix and into a more authentic, brave, whole-hearted, expanded me. A me that is lit up from within. A me that knows what I want and goes after it. A me that falls down sometimes but leans into the fall to learn the lesson inside of it. A me who recognizes my voice and uses it. A me who knows my boundaries and abides by them. A me who sees limitlessness but also knows my limits.
Self Discovery has been my greatest teacher. For I am my only constant companion. I’m still discovering. Every single day. And I want to invite you along a parallel path of your own self discovery.
A path paved by curiosity and painted with acceptance.
This podcast is about:
+ healing, reclaiming, and nurturing self worth.
+ inhabiting the biggest, most bad ass, lit up version of yourself.
+ transforming “who am I to do this” into “who am I not to?”
+ optimizing your every day.
+ awareness around the choices you have and the impact you can make.
+ taking a deep f-ing breath in a world of shallow highs.
We will unfurl these foundational concepts through conversations – with me and with some serious change makers. Through asking questions. Through introspection. And through story telling, because let’s face it, there’s no better way to learn than through story.
Howard Thurman wrote “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” Coming ALIVE. That, my friends, is what Self Discovery is all about.
Be your own favorite teacher. Get a PHD in Y.O.U.