Self-worth, my friends, is an inside job, however, we don’t have to go at it alone. We can call in support from friends, family, and even the divine. It is my firm belief that if we step into who we really are, own it fully, and act out of the space, our soul purpose in this lifetime will be fulfilled.
79. Learning to trust in times of uncertainty
Being a human is not for the faint of heart. It’s dense of beautiful and joy-filled and scary and all the things. Each of us hold every single possibility for the human experience within ourselves. It’s unrealistic to think that we should be happy all the time. Where’s the growth in that? Where’s the stretching of our character? Fire, heat, drought, – they have a way of returning you to the purity of what is important and what really matters.
Why I’m Pushing Back the Release of My EP. #idowhatiwant
Intuition is a built in GPS.