I believe in my heart of hearts that God is FOR us. And I also believe there is so much at play FOR us but that we often only see a glimpse of it.
153. Conscious consumption and connection
So far this month, we’ve talked about routine, nourishment, de-stressing, intention, boundaries, energy, worship, community, and oneness, and today I want to talk to you about conscious consumption and connection.
152. Our bodies were made for this…
We already spoke about routine and nourishment and destressing and intentions and boundaries and protecting our energy this month.
151. Protect this at all costs
So far this month, I’ve asked you what your body is telling you, I’ve also asked you how can you honor, celebrate, and nourish your beautiful body, and today I’m going to ask you how you can protect this one specific aspect of your humanity…
150. You primed your mind, but did you prime this?
Maybe you are finding yourself in a tough spot right now, maybe you are heading there, maybe you’ve already been there but you need a little tune up. Today’s message is for you, my friends.
149. What is your body telling you?
We primed our minds in February, and in March, we are going to prime our bodies. Friends, the theme this month is: back in my body. The song this month is “Back in my body” by Maggie Rogers.
148. 5 ways to create major momentum
This month, all month long we’ve been talking about how to be unstoppable and what we need to address in order to become unstoppable in our daily lives and in the pursuit of our deepest desires.
147. Eliminating this could make you unstoppable
This month, our focus is on being unstoppable and what that looks like in action in our daily lives. So far, we’ve talked about the power of habits and how simple changes in our daily lives can add up to massive results.
146. This daily practice will 10X your momentum
When we think about momentum, we think of forward motion, right? A car racing forward, a rocket launching upward defying gravity, a tea kettle reaching its boiling point, an avalanche of snow down a mountain.
145. You will be unstoppable if you practice these
If you want to self-actualize or live the fullest life you can live, then today’s episode is for you. I don’t know anyone who is highly successful that doesn’t practice these daily.
140. Just BE to prep for 2023
In the last 2 seasons of the podcast, I have done a big goal planning episode to wrap up the year… they are the last episodes of each season. I’m proud of that work. I think there is a lot of good information in those episodes, but this year, I wanted to do something different.
139. Pay ruthless attention to these 4 things
If you feel stuck, if you feel like you hit a ceiling, if you feel like you want to make some changes but don’t know where to start, then this episode is the shot of espresso you need in your life.