The lie we are taught to believe by the ego is that the unknown is the most dangerous thing ever, but that is an illusion. The unknown – the space where Spirit inhabits and teaches us and guides us is actually the safest most whole, w-h-o-l-e, place ever.
150. You primed your mind, but did you prime this?
Maybe you are finding yourself in a tough spot right now, maybe you are heading there, maybe you’ve already been there but you need a little tune up. Today’s message is for you, my friends.
111. Elevate your self-image through these modalities
A positive, high vibe self-image is clutch for a healthy level of self-worth, and so far this month, we’ve chatted a lot about how to elevate self-image from the inside out.
110. Why self-forgiveness transforms self-image
When we talk about having a healthy self-image and what a vital component it is in relation to self-worth, we cannot fail to address self-forgiveness. We are never going to feel worthy if we are carrying shame. We are never going to have a healthy self-image if we are crippled with guilt.
109. Rewrite limiting beliefs about yourself
The theme this month is self-image, and I would be remiss if I didn’t address the importance of recognizing limiting beliefs AND our power to rewrite them. We are incredibly powerful.
108. Roman’s birth story
In this special episode of the podcast, I share my labor story and how Roman came into the world, my postpartum experience so far, and a few pieces of advice that I wish someone had shared with me prior to giving birth.
101. Self-worth: a new look at Season 3
Beautiful listeners, welcome to SEASON 3 of this podcast! We are undergoing some pretty stellar changes in 2022 and this episode highlights those changes – some of which are: + a name change